Sample drawing conversion from low resolution paper to high resolution and quality CAD DWG file. DCM - the Drawing Specialists
Sample drawing conversion from low resolution paper to high resolution and quality CAD DWG file. DCM - the Drawing Specialists

Paper to AutoCAD - Technical Drawing Conversion

Are you stuck storing and referencing crucial drawing in paper format?

Drawing conversion services can convert your paper blueprints or any technical drawing to high-quality AutoCAD files.

In-house redrawing is labour intensive and can take more time than you have available to meet your project deadlines.

There are many methods and providers of conversion services, BUT NOT ALL CONVERSION OUTPUTS ARE CREATED EQUALLY.

DCM Inc. provide the industry's best results in technical drawing conversion services. Have a look at the list of some of their drawing conversion clients, and you'll know you are in good hands.

PDF to CAD - Technical Drawing Conversion

Even if your documents are digital PDFs, that format will not allow you to make modifications and adjustments to the drawings.

PDF is typically a final-cut / release / publishing format that does not permit changes to the content within.

How will you modify these files to suit your needs and keep them up to date in the future?

Converting your already digital PDF drawing to full source AutoCAD DWG files will allow complete ability to make any modifications necessary to the drawings.

DCM Inc.'s drawing conversion process combines automation and a manual hands-on touch to every conversion to ensure complete accuracy and fidelity in every drawing converted. They get our highest rating for overall quality, speed to service turn-around times, pricing and a name you can trust.

CAD 2D to 3D - Technical Drawing Conversion

Many technical drawings are only available or produced in two-dimensions (2D). A three-dimensional (3D) rendering of your existing 2D drawings has numerous benefits: Better visualization of true space, size and volumes or areas or rooms. Illustration relationships between components, including sight-lines. Interior and exterior height become visualize. Ability to colour, texture, shade and shadow rendering for a true life like visualization of the model.ability to create a 3D walk-through or animation.

DCM Inc. offers competitive pricing on exceptional service to create maximum value on their 2D to 3D technical drawing conversion services, or 3D modeling services. Lower density and volume are taking into considering when pricing. Contact them for a quote today.


CAD Master Plans

A master plan is a singular baseline operation drawing. It is a consolidation & amalgamation of all other drawings related to the same entity. With one master, this eliminates any version confusion of which drawing or set of drawings is the most accurate and up to date. Creation of master plan drawings involves a process to searching, finding, auditing, tagging, storing and classifying your current library of drawings.

But once I have a master plans of my facility, how do I keep it that way and prevent another mess from being created?

Once you have your CAD master plans in order, proper document/drawing management is required to ensure it stays that was in the future. Follow your organizations guidelines & for proper document management of your digital technical drawing assets.

My company doesn't have document management system that's going to allow me to quick index, sort, find and retrieve my drawing files.

If your organization doesn't have a mature document management methodology, or it isn't a good fit for long-term accessibility and storage of your master & working operational drawings, then consider the use of a drawing management system. A drawing management system (DMS) is similar to a document management system in that it stores digital files, however, a drawing management system is specifically designed to tag, sort & organize technical drawing files according to parameters of their use & relevance, like facility name and floor. The DMS by DCM Inc. is an industry leading drawing management system used by numerous organizations & facilities operators. Available on-line as a software-as-a-service model (SaaS), ensure easy of adoption at any organization.